i Felt sorry for the
Cameron Diaz
i Felt sorry for the Cameron Diaz - then I Find out in the news- Cameron Diaz is getting married
i Meet this photo. In tape in "Odnoklassniki"

I'm writing the book. "How I tried to get married". And I can't do it. As in the novels about unknown writers. My mood is terrible. I'm surfing the Internet. In the social network "Odnoklassniki"and "In contact". I see photos. Cameron Diaz. "Bad teacher". Frame from the movie. This one. Then I find out that Kemiron Diaz will received an offer to marry. Very fast. From the news.
Jennifer Psaki is pregnant-this was officially reported by the White house. 36-year-old speaker of the us state Department, famous for its ridiculous statements, for the first time will become a mother in July. Western media have already named the sex of the baby. Source: http://www.woman.ru/health/Pregnancy/article/148182/

And then suddenly it comes -
and then this -
Сurrent events
video on Russian channels
interview in the Studio in English

Since may 1, 2010 married to Gregory Macera (Gregory Mecher)[6]

As an official representative of the U.S. Department of state since March 2014

Genevieve's Daughter Grace Mecher. (birth. in July 2015)[14][15][16].
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